by Howly Wolf » Thu Oct 24, 2024 9:45 pm
I used to think surfing was like therapy, but have come to find it's more the other way around. Paddling out into the internal waters is a skill in itself and having flotation you can count on is crucial to the experience. There's courage and vulnerability involved, as well as the opportunity for adventure. While therapy may not get the blood pumping in the same way as getting in the ocean, it provides a similar sense of, uh, "stoke". Surfing, or at least how I've been doing it, differs in that it heavily exercises the judgement muscle whereas therapy (like mindfulness practices and psychedelics) offers opportunity to relax it. Here's hoping my own talk talk deal helps reinvigorate a more zen approach to riding waves and for that gift, I'll happily deconstruct what I think I know about myself, the world, and how to do surfing itself.
howl can be?