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Nova Scotia

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Moderator: brdsurf

Nova Scotia

Postby erzats » Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:15 pm


It doesn't look like surf gets much colder than this and I'm heading there in a week and will hope that the 5/4/3 and 3mil gloves and 3mil booties keep me warm for an hour or two at a time.

But, the setups look absolutely amazing and abundant as long as there is swell. If this works out, then a return in the hurricane season will be necessary.

Anyone been? Anyone have cold surf tales to tell?

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Postby erzats » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:36 am

Thanks for all the inside tips and great advice you all have posted here ;) . Leave tomorrow for the greater, whiter north where MSW thinks there will be 7' of swell in the water, offshore winds, and water that is as cold as water gets. Awesome!

Watch this space.
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Postby Quagmeyer » Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:17 pm

I heard Pete Devries went there like 2 weeks ago it was minus 20 degrees he drove 18 hours surfed for 3 hours 0 barrels... But on the other hand my good friend went there 2 years ago and got a couple of really good days of swell he only surfed one day though too cold like minus 25 plus windchill and 0 degree water. I wouldn't go out in anything than a 6-5-4 with lobster mitts. and 7 mil booties. But on the other hand I am a pu5sy. Definately not for the faint of heart.
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