Going on a surf trip? Just been on a trip? Need a travel buddy? Use this board to ask for travel advice, share stories...anything related to surf travel. Please remember, if you scored no one cares. If things went terribly wrong, this is far more interesting. Registration is required.
Not much time spent taking photos but here are a couple from CR. Nosara was super chill, fun little waves everyday, friendly crowd. Spent the second half of the trip at Langosta, fun river mouth with some punch. 80 degree water and monkeys had kids stoked.
I made it back for that high pressure goodness to usher in the new year. Better waves here in the past week than any I saw down there in three...
I wanna talk smack about that, but also I don't want to learn how to write HTML and fix it either. So gotta take the crappy with the worse. The fact that this is an abandoned virtual space is kinda endearing like a Detroit (10 bedroom Oregon coast speculative investment mcmansion) loft you can squat. Sucks, but at least there's no effort expected towards upkeep.
Well, the OSP runs on 2007 web technology. I'm surprised it hasn't been completely nuked by hackers. So... can't we just move this whole thing over to reddit
I think the 6 of us left are all pretty stoked to have this place to ourselves. Pra captured it pretty well, so I am past complaining about the technology and just like the relative obscurity we have here.