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Calling out Sam Larson

This forum is for SURF topics such as localism and rants that are usually negative in nature. If you're a baby, complainer, or generally think you're right and everyone else is wrong this is the place for you. PLEASE NOTE, all forum rules still apply, but just a little more liberally enforced. Registration is required.

Moderator: Wilbur Kookmeyer

Is it acceptable to post directions and pictures on wannasurf?

Total votes : 18

Postby zxsurf » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:51 pm

who give a flying f! NON of these spots are a secret and no one from the south is going to leave and come up here, nor is anyone from up north! not putting oregon down, because i love surfing here and wouldn't live in the rat infestation of california. Think about every good spot we have up here and cali has at least 5 spots just like it but better w/ wormer water??? so i don't get why everyone gets all puffy when something like this happens!! who care..
stinkbug stance? I walk this way!
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Postby grizldoldfk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:02 pm

who care...?

i'm care!

i'm no care if sam send postcard to him mommy.
but i'm care if him post pics of MY spot on da net brah.
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Postby shamebot » Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:04 pm

Kooks don't drop BOMBS. Surf accordingly.
Your only as cool as you think you are.
Or are you?
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stinkbug stance? I walk this way!
Posts: 28
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:34 pm


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