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Roll on Friday...

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Roll on Friday...

Postby Spent » Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:05 pm

Its only Tuesday and I'm up to my neck in paperwork and insanity. F*ck me, its beyond a joke at this point.

I know the economy sucks. I know we have problems with our poor, mentally ill, queer, disabled and drug-addcited children and so on but c'mon what the hell am I supposed to do with them all?

I've got a plane to catch next week and no Fecal Alcohol and Drug Syndrome afflicted young man, who insists his case worker's name is 'Anal' is going to stop me.

"Your case worker's name can't be Anal."
"No dude it is. Even the cops thought I was f*cking with them."

This is my day.
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Re: Roll on Friday...

Postby Doc » Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:51 pm

Big deal...
I had 5 cooks 2 weeks ago...
Thought I was flush...
Let one guy transfer...
Then a no show...
Then a hernia...
Then "I can't breathe..."
"Take me to the ER!"...
Panic attack...
And my one cook left...
Splits his cranium open...
Skating with Spent no doubt...
Trooper tho...
Working with a full skull wrap...
Plus chin strap...
Got it done...
It was no fun.

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Re: Roll on Friday...

Postby smithgrind » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:04 pm

That's a pretty good one, Spent Anal.
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Re: Roll on Friday...

Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:10 pm

I'm leaving for Tom Petty @ the Gorge tonight.
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