Lost my cat of 17 years night before last. Just needed some random place to vent. Mamakitty showed up on my fathers property years ago leading 3, 7 week old kittens out of the back field. My Grandmother who was, by then, living with my parents took this feral little cat under her wing. Within 2 weeks grandma had her eating out of her hand, named her Mamakitty. Grandma passed in 2009 and I of course gladly brought mama to my house. I had always felt she was mine anyway
as I had been the one to see her first. My back yard is 1/4 acre, entirely enclosed in a 6 foot cyclone fence my old cat couldn't leave and I never saw her try to leave. Somehow she found rat poison. This freakin sucked. Goodbye Mamakitty, I will miss your headbutt's, I will miss your silent meow.
All ya gotta do is ask for it.