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Moderator: Tex


Postby Tex » Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:29 am

Curios if anyone in the OSP does mixed martial arts? My oldest just joined Straight Blast Gym in Portland. Couple of surfers are also members. I sit and watch, it reminds me a lot of chess and wall climbing. Very technical, very intentional, and super chill vibe.
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Postby BOX » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:50 am

I did Krav Maga for a few years when I lived in the PDX area. I never got up to the advanced levels but I enjoyed it a lot. They don't have KM anywhere near me here on the coast so I never took it back up after I moved. There's another martial arts place around here that I checked into that looks pretty good, but I've just got too much going on right now vying for my attention to add another thing to my list. I don't find nearly enough time to surf as it is. But I did find a lot of value in it - physically and mentally - so I hope your oldest does as well. Best of luck to him, Tex.
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